Upcoming free and paid lectures
Target Group: Anyone, eager to join the growing trend towards conscious leadership.
Content: During this presentation you will learn about the differences between traditional and conscious leadership styles. You will hear about the benefits and why so many initiatives are taking place worldwide to implement conscious principles. You will get an overview of these principles and what kind of effect they can have on you, your business or workplace. If time permits, we will also discuss practical business cases.
ON-LINE Lectures:
Result: Understanding of conscious principles, benefits and roadmaps.
Price: Free, but you will have to register.
Target Group: Anyone, eager to join the growing trend towards conscious leadership.
Content: During this online training program, you will familiarize yourself with the personal, business and community principles to become a fully conscious leader. Using exercises and tests you will find out which principles you have already integrated in your daily (business) life and which principles you still need to work on. Together we will create a personalized roadmap with principles that can easily be implemented (the low hanging fruit) and with principles that will make a significant improvement but need a higher investment.
Format: Six-week program with each week:
Language: English. Assignments can be made in English, French, German or Dutch.
Cohort 1: Thursday 31 March to 5 May. Price: €397 / $488.
Discount: Students < 26 year and unemployed: 50%.
Learn more: https://youtu.be/Y5BR53QuvX0.